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What is SOPA and PIPA

January 18, 2012Joseph LancasterInternet MarketingComments Off on What is SOPA and PIPA

There are two bills that the US house of representatives are try to pass along with the US Senate. This two bills are under the guise of Stopping Online Piracy Act and the Protection of IP Act. There is no problem with wanting to help stop piracy of software and music or even movies. Nor is there an issue with helping secure the rights to those who’ve worked so hard on creating that Intellectual property. The problem is how vague these bills are and how much power they give certain authorities or corporations in order to protect themselves.

We live in a world that relies on open and free content to discuss, share, learn, grow and create and earn as a society. More and more we rely on information that is only available online or only makes since to access via the web. Do your part today to make your voice heard so that the internet can be free and open for us, our children and generations to come. A place where they can expand their minds without fear of being shut down, persecuted or fined.

If you enjoy free internet without barriers please join the masses in making our voice heard by telling your law makers that you want to continue to use the internet without restrictions by their vague rulings. Click the image above to visit Wikipedia to learn more about these and how you can help. You’ll also learn just how wide spanning these rulings are and may impact your life.


Joseph Lancaster


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